Waterproofing, repair, water and corrosive environment protection solutions
Dehidrol Company
Waterproofing, repair, water and corrosive environment protection solutions that you can implement at your facility.
The product line included the following materials' brands: Dehidrol, Betonprav, Contacyd.

Dehidrol is a series of penetrating waterproofing brands intended for repair, protection of joints, seams, cracks, surface and additives for cement mortars. These are the materials we use for water protection of concrete and bricks.

Betonprav is a series of additives for concrete and cement mortars (accelerator, plasticizer, antifreeze).

Contacyd includes general purpose materials. This product serves as treatment for concrete and protection from acids, as well as treatment from cement slurry.
About Dehidrol
List of main materials
(press for fast jump to the target brand)

(There is a required brand depending on the problem, pictures in brands description can be scrolled, there are diagrams of standard application areas and examples of performed works.)

Brands as typically applied are provided herebelow:
Waterproofing additives to the concrete
Dehidrol premium, brand 10-2
"Liquid waterproof hyperconcentrate"
Application: obtaining of waterproof, frost resistant and corrosion-proof concrete for structures and items operated under water, above water, in flooded ground and in areas of periodical watering.
Flow rate: 4 l per 1 m3 of concrete, 6 l per 1 m3 of cement and sand grout
Increasing of waterproofing capacity: W2 -> W20
Increasing of frost resistance capacity: F50 -> F600
Increasing of concrete strength: 30%
Packaging: 1 l, 5 l, 10 l, 20 l, 200 l, 1000 l.
Composition: water solution of functional additives.
Operating concept: provides uniform distribution of colmatage additives along the whole volume of concrete or cement and sand grout and plugging of ducts in concrete at the stage of their formation. As a result concrete waterproof, frost resistance and chemical stability are increased.
Work sequence: measure additive on the basis of 4 l per 1 m3 of concrete or 6 l per 1 m3 of cement and sand grout and introduce into mixture, then mix for 5 minutes. The mixture is ready. It is obligatory to comply with water and cement ratio (max. 45 l of water per 100 kg of cement) as the additive has water-reducing properties.
Elimination of active leakages through concrete
Dehidrol premium, brand 8
"Grouting waterproofing with penetrating effect"
Application: elimination of active leakages, fast spot repair.
Flow rate: 1.5 kg per 1 dm3, 1.5 kg with groove of 30х30mm
Increasing of waterproofing capacity: W2 -> W10
Increasing of frost resistance capacity: F50 -> F300
Compression strength for 28 days: 35MPa
Packaging: 4 kg, 16 kg
Composition: material on cement base containing functional additives and fillers, including quartz sand.
Operating concept: fast setting and expanding when hardening, forming solid waterproof mass, blocking active water leakages. Additionally colmatages adjoining concrete base.
Work sequence: this is laid only in groove or drilled hole as material has grouting action and can "move" itself. Due to that fact the following is performed: the groove of square section (20x20mm, 30x30mm) is cut along the crack using angle grinder, it is drilled using hammer drill and coated with material mixed with water (on the basis of 0.2 l per 1 kg of powder), we'd better go from the least resistance to the highest resistance, setting occurs within one-two minutes.

Waterproofing of joints, seams, repair of cracks and corrosion spots, corrosion protection
Dehidrol premium, brand 5
"Repair and penetrating waterproofing"
Application: MAIN material for repair of seams, joints, cracks. Creation of layer on surfaces operated under water, above water and in areas of periodical watering, especially at episodic or continuous impact of aggressive environments and frost, as well as during filtration from inside of the base; repair and waterproofing of cracks, joints, seams and inputs of utilities; restoration of breaking parts of structures.
Flow rate: 1.7 kg per 1 dm3, 1.5 kg with groove of 30х30mm, 17 kg at width of 1 cm.
Increasing of waterproofing capacity: W2 -> W18
Increasing of frost resistance capacity: F50 -> F400
Compression strength for 28 days: 52MPa
Packaging: 5 kg, 20 kg
Composition: material on cement base containing functional additives and fillers, including quartz sand.
Operating concept: as penetrating material - provides penetration of colmatage additives to the water filled ducts in concrete and plugging of ducts in concrete to depth of 50-150 mm.
As repair material - creates high strength, waterproof, frost resistant protective and armoring layer.
Work sequence: remove loose concrete, clean the foundation, wet with water, prime the surface with material (just add a bit more water for brushing), sealing with working mixture (on the basis of 0.12 l per 1 kg of powder) and wet the obtained surface for the next 3 days.
Dehidrol premium, brand 7 (2k) - two components
"Flexible, repair and seam waterproofing with penetrating effect"
Application: waterproofing of utilities' inputs, waterproofing of movable cracks and joints, waterproofing of nonuniform joints (concrete, brick - metal, plastic).
Flow rate: 1.5 kg per 1 dm3, 1.2 kg with groove of 30х30mm
Increasing of waterproofing capacity: W2 -> W14
Increasing of frost resistance capacity: F50 -> F300
Relative snapback of material: 85%
Packaging: 10.44 kg of dry powder + 9.56 kg of liquid component - 20 kg package
Composition: material on cement and polymer base containing functional additives and fillers.
Performance: as waterproofing material with penetration effect - provides penetration of colmatage additives to the water filled ducts in concrete and colmatation.
As repair material - forms waterproof flexible mass which is exposed to cyclic deformations in joints, cracks without destruction, and which protects treated surfaces from accidental impacts and colliding objects.
Work sequence: remove loose concrete, clean the foundation, wet with water, prime the surface with the material (just add a bit more liquid component), sealing with working mixture (on the basis of 0.915 kg per 1 kg of powder) and let mature for the next 3 days excluding the possibility of water entry during mature period.
Penetrating waterproofing for surface
Dehidrol premium, brand 3
"Penetrating waterproofing and cementation of voids"
Application: surface treatment and increasing of waterproofing capacity of treated concrete structures and items; grouting of concrete porous surface with formation of waterproof frost resistant and corrosion resistant protective layer, especially in case of aggressive environments and frost. It is also intended for injection of voids in concrete structures.
Flow rate: 1.2-1.7 kg per 2 layers, width of 1 mm, 1.7 kg per 1 dm3
Increasing of waterproofing capacity: W2 -> W16
Increasing of frost resistance capacity: F50 -> F350
Compression strength at 28 days: 80MPa
Packaging: 5 kg, 20 kg
Composition: material on cement base containing functional additives and fillers.
Operating concept: As waterproofing material - provides penetration of colmatage additives to the water filled ducts in concrete and colmatage to the depth of 50-150 mm.
As repair material - when filling the voids it forms waterproof, high strength and shrinkproof mass with additional colmatation properties of adjacent concrete and cement and sand surface.
Work sequence: remove loose concrete, clean the foundation, wet with water, apply the working mixture (on the basis of 0.21 l per 1 kg of powder) in 2 layers, overlapping one another and wet the obtained surface for the next 3 days.

Betonprav is a series of additives for concrete and cement mortars
Additives for corrosion resistance, sealing and increasing of surface quality
Betonprav premium, brand 2
"Liquid additive for obtaining corrosion resistant concrete"
Application: obtaining of frost resistant and corrosion-proof concrete for structures and items operated at episodic or continuous impact of aggressive environments and frost.
Flow rate: 4 l per 1 m3 of concrete, 6 l per 1 m3 of cement and sand grout
Increasing of waterproofing capacity: W2 -> W10
Increasing of frost resistance capacity: F50 -> F500
Increasing of concrete strength: 40%
Packaging: 1 l, 5 l, 10 l, 20 l, 200 l, 1000 l.
Composition: water solution of functional additives.
Operating concept: interacting with particles of mixed cement (or gypsum) it provides their mutual sliding with respect to each other as a result of electrostatic and steric effect. After hardening it provides concrete with frost resistance, resistance to saline solutions and water resistance.
Work sequence: measure additive on the basis of 4 l per 1 m3 of concrete or 6 l per 1 m3 of cement and sand grout and introduce into mixture, then mix for 5 minutes. The mixture is ready. It is obligatory to comply with water and cement ratio (max. 45 l of water per 100 kg of cement) as the additive has water-reducing properties.
Frost resisting additives for concrete and cement mortars
Betonprav premium, brand 6
"Liquid, frost resistant"
Application: production of concrete mix and concrete pouring in conditions of frost, temperatures down to minus 30°С; acceleration of setting of cement mortars and concrete mix, increasing of concrete strength and hardening.
Flow rate: as a rule, 1%-5% from cement weight in concrete mix (depends on ambient temperature and application target)
Increasing of waterproofing capacity: W2 -> W6
Increasing of frost resistance capacity: F50 -> F100
Increasing of concrete strength: 30%
Packaging: 1 l, 5 l, 10 l, 20 l, 200 l, 1000 l.
Composition: additive base - salt components generally applied as modifying agents for concrete, cement and sand grouts under subzero and above zero temperature.
Operating concept: interacting with mixed cement ingredients it provides intensification of hardening processes. Reduces freezing temperature of water solutions.
Work sequence: measure additive of 1%-5% from the cement weight, introduce into mixture and mix for 5 minutes. The mixture is ready.

Protective grouts for concrete, stone, brick and other porous materials structures.
Treatment for filtration blocking, protection from moisture and aggressive environments
Contacyd, brand 3
"Treatment concentrate and additive for corrosion resistance increasing with effect of moisture protection"
Application: Treatment for filtration blocking, protection from moisture and aggressive environments of porous bases, it practically does not change their appearance and wetting ability; waterproofing additive for grouts based on cement and gypsum.
Flow rate: Flow rate of treatment (concentrated) depends on porosity of treated base and required dip penetration and, approximately, makes up 0.02-0.2 l/m2
concentrate is diluted with water at the ratio of 1:10 (1 part of concentrate per 10 parts of water)
Increasing of waterproofing capacity: W2 -> W10
Increasing of frost resistance capacity: F50 -> F300
Packaging: 2 l, 5 l
Composition: water solution of functional additives.
Operating concept: provides uniform distribution of colmatage additives along the treated porous base, inside the structures during injection or by volume of produced concrete or cement and sand grout, or gypsum plaster. As a result, waterproofing capacity, frost resistance capacity and chemical stability of treated material are increased and treated material becomes a protective and waterproofing layer.
Work sequence: prepare surface according to the requirements of SP 28.13330.2012. Prepare working mixture consisting of material and water (generally, 1 l of material per 10 l of water). Apply material mixture to the protected surface at the required rate (using brush or spraying equipment). Within the first day, the treated surface should be protected from rain, during hot or windy weather the surface should be protected from quick drying using repeated treatment or using covers.
Removal of cement slurry, additive for delay and acceleration of concrete setting
Contacyd, brand 6
"Polyfunctional composition"
serving as treatment:
- concrete purifier from cement slurry and gloss;
- solution to increase adhesion to concrete of protective and decorative coatings;
- solution for ducts opening and additional colmatant (enhancer of waterproofing, protective and antifungal effect) used during preparation of concrete and other surfaces prior to application of penetrating waterproofing, liquid glass, water repellant and other materials with penetrating effect;
- purifier of corroded reinforcing bars prior to application of repair materials.
serving as additive:
- in a dose of up to 1.36 l/m3 serves as delay composition (delays setting of cement grout and gypsum plater from 40 minutes to 4 hours);
- in a dose from up to 2.4 l/m3 serves as accelerator (accelerates setting of cement grouts for 2.5-4 hours);
Flow rate: Flow rate as treatment depends on the degree of the required treatment and, approximately, makes up 0.01-0.25 l/m2
Packaging: 5 l, 10 l, 20 l, 200 l, 1000 l.
Composition: water solution of functional additives.
Operating concept: Provides uniform distribution of modifying and colmatage additives along the treated porous base. As a result, ducts in base get open, its microroughness is increased, providing increase of the efficiency of penetrating waterproofing and liquid glass, as well as increase of adhesion of applied coat. As additive, depending on dose, it delays or accelerates cement rock hydration processes.
Work sequence: Treated surface is thoroughly cleaned from dirt, grease and other water repelling products. To remove cement slurry it is required to apply basic material to the surface. To remove gloss it is required to prepare working mixture consisting of material and water (generally, 1 l of material per 5 l of water). Apply material mixture to the protected surface at the required rate (using brush or spraying equipment). Reaction time is generally 15-30 minutes. Then it is required to flush the surface with water under pressure or mechanical brush, pressure air. Material does not require additional "neutralizers" as it looses all acid properties when interacting with cement slurry, forming products widely used as fertilizers.
Our advantages
Despite the appeared variety of proposed waterproofing materials for leaking joints, seams, cracks and corrosion spots, in general, major part of our early materials are either standard cement and sand grouts with polymer additives, or polymer mass. Surely, these materials are better than just cement and sand grout, but often that is not enough.

Rigid and flexible materials are available in Dehidrol series for waterproofing of joints, seams and cracks. There is thin layer treatment and plastering for the surface. Additives in concrete are available for new construction. Materials are mixed with ordinary fresh water and form plasticine working mixture which can take any form. Such mixture is not only convenient and safe for using, but it can be used for easy and reliable waterproofing of joints, seams and cracks of any shape and section.
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Company Head Office:
LLC TD "Dehidrol"
Krasnoyarsk city,
Street Pesochnaya, 20A